I'll be honest, last night I went out and from then till now (which is nearly 24 hours later) I have consumed minor quantities of amphetamine sulphate. This is something I do only on occasion, but it's use has been a bit more progressive of late due to personal issues and living changes.
I tend to smoke a considerable amount during the times when I am under this euphoric influence. I have been chewing a lot of gum which can result in pain in the lower left side of the chest through flatulence (or so I've read), but I consider this to be unlikely and I am worried that it has more to do with my excess of smoking, lack of eating or the amphetamine itself.
The pain is just below the left chest section, to be more specific, under the lower left breast plate, and the sensation itself is hard to explain. It is not a sharp, stabbing pain. Over time it changes from light irritation to very brief moments of what feels like my heart being squeezed.
I am extremely worried and yes, I feel like an idiot.