27 years old
about 145 lbs.
on no medications, no surgical procedures, no illnesses.
I feel I may be pregnant. I usually have a very heavy flow when I get my period. This time, I only spotted...for a couple days. I didn't even have to use a tampon, and I usually go through several a day during my period. I have felt sick the last couple of days, not throwing up but just weak and I have a slight fever. I took a pregnancy test yesterday, and it came out negative. I'm just confused about all this. I just don't want to be one of the women who don't find out their pregnant until 5 months or when the baby is coming out. I just want a healthy baby if that's the case, and the sooner I know the better. Just wondering if you have any suggestions to what my next step should be? I plan on taking another pregnancy test on Monday just to see but if that's negative, I am not sure what to think.