35 year-old-female 38 days from last period had one ectopic pregnancy previously at age 21, had left tube removed-25 had a neo-salpingectomy on the right tube due to a hydrosalphinx; never conceived in that time-4 years after that surgery had everything checked tube was viewed healthy, -was concerned when I noticed I was late on my period and took two pregnancy test after 10days when i was supposed to get my period, =positive. which was yesterday. In the last four days I have had brownish/light pink discharge as if I was going to start my period, and now it has become to bemore red/ at certain times during the day; once was last night and then stopped and now starting at 10:00 a.m I am wondering if this is due to the medications that I am currently taken I take 20mg Adderall xr, xanax .05 t.i.d and furosemide 40 mg for water retension; my question is are these causing the bleeding do you think or what should I do- I thought I was not capable of getting pregnant and this is all a kind of surprise I have not been to an ob-gyn for over....at least 6 years...I know I probably should have gone but ...l have a six-year-old daughter who is adopted and I just figured I did not need to go unless there was a reason. What is your advice on this?
Mrs. Albrecht