Hi there! Last month my period was three days late and when i got it, it only lasted a day. That was December 30 2011. I didn't really think anything of it until last weekend i started getting very emotional for no reason and i didn't know what was happening. Then the next day my breasts were really sore and have been since, as well as being very heavy, and my back aches like crazy. So i took a hpt and it was negative. The next day i had cramps that felt much different than menstrual cramps, kind of shooting pains from my abdomen to my legs. My next period was supposed to come January 26 2012 and i got it a day later but again it is lighter than usual like last month. I am still having these pregnancy symptoms and i am not sure what to do. My periods are always regular lasting 6 days. Is it possible to be pregnant? What should i do? Please help