i am 20yrs old (d.o.b. jan29,1990). i had a misscariage on dec.30 and a d&c on dec.31.I was 8weeks2days and that was my first pregnancy. i had some slight bleeding afterwards which stopped on jan.4th. On jan.6th i had unprotected sex and a few times since then. The past 2days i have have slight cramping, feeling tired, moody, this burning feelin in my stomach when i get hungry which is pretty often, frequent urination, and slight nausea, but not enough to vomit. With my first pregnany i did not have any nausea but my breast were very tender and swollen and i don't have that feeling. I took a generic test 2days ago which was negative, but am sure it would be too early to tell. Is it possible that i could be pregnant again this soon or are my hormones just in a mess? please help me