I tripped and fell foward pretty hard two nights ago and cut a 1 inch gash on the top of my left foot right about where my foot bends. that next morning it was on fire and painful to the touch. A few hours later, it was no longer painful but numb-ish, instead.I went to get it treated, was told I should have gotten stitches but was then too late so now it has to heal slowly on its own. I am on Keflex for it and clean & redress it as I should. But today I noticed my foot has swollen a bit, a bruise has formed on the outside part of my foot infront of my ankle, and my foot feels like ice and is cold to the touch compared to my other foot. My skin, aside from the bruise, looks normal. And I can put my full weight on it with no problem and I can move my foot & toes normally. Again, no pain, just a wash of "ice water" If i move or step on it too suddenly.Is this something I should be worried about? Or maybe i've been on my feet too much today?