I have swelling in my left armpit but have two doctors who have said they can see the swelling, but don't actually feel a lymph node. Neither seems concerned, but after putting lotrimin on it for about a week and a half and taking an antibiotic for a week, it hasn't really changed. I don't know what a discreet node feels like. If I press on it it just feels mushy, almost fatty. When my arm is raised entirely, it is still soft, somewhat squishy. When I lower my arm so the muscle isn't pushing up against it and feel in the pit of my arm, I can't feel anything of any particular form. Again, it just feels kind of fatty. Still, I'm quite nervous. What could this be? Would I be able to feel something more defined if it were a lymph node that was causing the swelling? Also, the swelling isn't severe. When the doctor looked at it he kind of poked at it and said, you mean this right here? As if it weren't hardly anything. Yet he did acknowledge it was slightly swollen, though he offered no explanation for it save that he couldn't feel a lymph node. It's been this was for 4 weeks now. Also, when I originally noticed it overnight, the skin around the swelling was slightly red in a pink oval patch. That went away after 4-5 days, and the swelling went down slightly, but not entirely. It's been at the same state for about 3 weeks now. I can't stop poking at it, worried I'm going to find something there. I'm sorry for the rambling note, and thank you for any help.