For the past week my knee suddenly got swollen for no reason whatsoever. I went to see my GP and told me I had fluid on my knee and he needs to drain it. After a few days it got worse and cannot walk. I decided to go to the emergency where they took all test (blood work, xray and did another tap on my knee). All test came back negative and was told that its my gout. They asked me what medication I am taking. I gave them list of medications ( ramipril, metoprolol, aspirin, atorvastatin and hydroclorothiaze). All this medications are prescribed after my quadruple bypass. The Dr. that look after me asked if I knew that hydroclorothiaze has an effect on gout. My Gp knows i have gout didnt mention the side effects. Is the Dr in the emergency right, will there be any effect if I stop taking hydroclorothiaze? Was the hydroclorothiazide the reason I have gout? Thank you. Rex YYYY@YYYY