Please help me. I have HSV2 and HPV with LSIL for the past 2 years, non cancerous. I have an IUD inside of me (since aprox February 2008). I havent had intercourse for over 2 months now and am in a monogomous relationship for over 1 year. I have not had an "outbreak" since my first one in March 2008, which was very subtle! (I was lucky)
I never "Bleed" or have a normal flow. Well, right now I'm bleeding lightly -have been for the past maybe 2-3 days? But now, I'm noticing when I wipe with toilet tissue or remove a tampon -there's chunks of "something" (colored, brown like and dark) and literally skin peelings. It's almost as if I were shedding.
No matter how much I drink, My urine color is never changing. It is a very dark yellow and tainted brown gold if you may. Please help me? I'm VERY worried. I do not know what is going on with me.