A month ago I noticed an odd thick yellow green discharge that smelt fishy. It only lasted a day so I didn t think anything of it after that. Last week, I had intercourse and afterwards I had extreme swelling of my vagina, opening, perennial area, and vulva. I went to an urgent care and without looking they said I could have had an allergy to the condom I used. I had always used this brand of non latex, so I wasn t buying it. I took Benadryl and Tylenol. The swelling went down by the next day. Tonight, I had intercourse again, and the same swelling followed. I do not have rough sex, and I was lubricated enough. The swelling is not as severe, but uncomfortable. My vaginal opening looks very swollen and feels pressured. Feeling the inside, it also feels swollen. My perenium feels swollen and has a lot of pressure. I m having thick yellow and clear sticky discharge that smells bad. I m going to see my Gyno next week, but I m nervous. Do you have any idea what s wrong?