Overe the last two days i have noticed a discomfort in my or what seems to by my left testicle. It isnt always there, or at least throughout the day while i am busy it is not noticable or somehting i think about. however sometime when i am just sitting or relaxing, i can feel a slight discomfort, a small throbbing pain, but enough to hurt or make me keel over, but enough to be felt none the less. I cannot feel any lumps, just a cluster of tubes. After reading about testicular cancer online, i see that one of the symptoms is also pain in the lower abdomen. I had not thought anything of this before tonight, however over the last week and a half or possibly two weeks, i have noticed pains in by stomach as if i had been doing a hard work out of 'sit-ups', but without actually doing them. I notice this when going up and down stairs noticably, or when i go to stand up, but the pain isnt always there however it has been off and on over that time. Is this enough for me to warrant a check up, and do you have any advice as to what this could be?