My name is Andrea Behman I am 21 years old white female,I'm about 5'6'' and weigh about 145 lbs. I have been experiencing a tingling sensation on the left and back side of my head. As well as the top upper left side of my head. The feeling does not stop it goes on everyday I have been also experiencing some short term memory loss. About a year ago in March I had gotten shingles and was on a prescription acne pill called monocyclin. I have since been off the pill I am not on any medications. I have gone to the hospital,gotten a physical, and have been to a neurologist who ordered an MRI which came out NORMAL. I am very frustrated i forget things almost instantly. I eat fairly well i went to the physical of my doctor to get tested for thyroid problems because of some hair loss. The test came back and I have a borderline thyroid. I try to live calmly but the constant feeling has me worried and I am desperate for some help treatment, or just an answer of what might have caused this problem and what kind of treatment should be done. I take my vitamins everyday I have also went for an ultrasound last year to be tested for PCOS, and because of my age they could not diagnose it. So it's not affirmative...I am getting to the point where i don't know what to do and my memory is failing and I still have the constant problem. The memory problem started with the sensation. I just want to know what happened and what kind of treatment should be done.