I seem to have bad circulation in the last few toes on my left foot, especially my little toe, which I often find becomes cold and numb for no reason. A week ago a large unexplained bruise appeared covering parts of this toe and an area of around two inches below and around the side of my foot in this area. It doesn’t seem to hurt at all, but the coldness and numbness is almost constant. The bruise still seems to look the same as when it first came up, and I discovered that the toe had turned blue for a short time today (I had to massage it to bring back the circulation). This is not the first time I have found an unexplained large bruise in the same area, but I didn’t have so much problem with the toe on the previous occasions.
Is this something I should be worried about, and do you think this is a problem I should see my doctor about in the long-term?
Thank for you help.