I am a 42 year old female with a history of cyclothalmic disorder, anxiety and OCD. My meds are Risperidone 1 1/2 mg per day, Wellbutrin 300 mg per day, Depakote 1,000 mg per day amd Fluvoxamine 150 mg per day. Besides allergies I am healthy. I started having mild dysarthria 15 months ago. I did not seek medical attention right away as I thought it was from my meds. I did see my family doctor in January 2010. He felt it was from the Geodon that I was on at the time, but did do a CT scan which was negative. In Febraru 2010 I noticed the right side of my mouth wa slightly lower than the left so I say my family doctor again. He was not concerned and said it was from the Geodon. I then went to a Neurologist. He felt the dysarthria was from the Geodon, but ordered a MRI at my request. This was negative. In March 2010 I developed tremors in my hands. When I reach for an object or move my hand when I eat or do downwards it shakes. Finger to nose test is normal. I saw the neurologist again about the tremors and he said that they are benign essential tremors. In the last several months my pinky on my left hand feels weaker because it shakes when I pick something up. I showed this to my neuro and he said this is my essential tremors. My legs have felt heavy the last month, but it is important to note that I have put on 50 pounds since February since starting on new psyciatric medications. I saw the neuro most recently in end of Sep0tember because I noticed a tremor in my tongue and was concerned it had atrophy. He said it had good strength and is fine. He does neuro tests and they are all fine. I also saw an ENT to check my tongue and he said it was fine. My nose now twitches when I raise it and the right side of my mouth twitches when I smile. I also have felt twitches in various parts of my body. They do not last lonmg, but one time I could see my skin moving. I am scared to death that I have ALS or some other neurodegenerative disorder. Please help