first day of my last period was the 6th.. very short.. and light ( usually mine are heavy and painful.and long. )
stomach has been upset, feelin like i am goin to vomit all the time.. or comes in waves, same with being dizzy
Gas.. ( gross i know )
Tired, seems like i cannot get out of bed in the morning or i need a nap.
Discharge (tmi i know ) For the past week and 1/2 i have felt like i am gettin my AF and i run to the bathroom and its just alot of clear discharge. left a wet spot one night. then it has now changed to a white lotion type that covers, never experienced that before or noticed. ( period should be due in 8 days ) not sure if this discharge is normal
alot of cramps. and weird twinges. the cramps have lasted almost 2 weeks.
moody forsure, mostly because i am tired.