Hello, i'm 26 yrs old, 200lbs and 6'1.( i don't look fat, i look average size) Due to severe stress, three weeks ago I fainted and was carried to the doctor and was discovered that I had high blood pressure and was lacking iron. Since then i cut out the salt from my diet and have been taking iron supplements. The blood pressure has since decreased. However, two days ago, I was craving pepper and ate a lot of spicy food. Since then i've had upset stomach, diarrhea and rectal burning when excreting. Yesterday, I had some vaginal burning and when I checked, i had a rash. It is very uncomfortable........is the vaginal rash related to the spicy food or the blood pressure issue? I've never had any rashes and i'm too scared to go by a gynecologist. (Also, i've never been sexually active, used a tampon or douches, etc)