Hi I've had a copper coil in since October, but during the last month I've had really strong pain in the lower right part of my stomach where near my hip. It feels like I'm bursting for a wee all the time, but when I go there's not really much urine. My discharge looks like I'm ovulating constantly, but smells really strong, not a disgusting smell, but really really strong, so that just by taking my trousers off my partner and I can smell it. My periods have been really weird, I felt like I ovulated twice between two periods, but then bled for about 2 weeks after that, so I have no way to predict when I will come on anymore and for how long. When I last came on, it too smelled really strong and was really thick, had stringy lumpy bits in it like after giving birth, some days were very dark almost black kind of red and other days were bright red fresh blood. I have always had pain on the front wall of my vagina during sex since I started, and that still continues now years later, even though before the coil I was clear of any infections etc. I'm really confused what is going on down there. I know it works because I've had two planned babies who were conceived on the first try each time and both had natural home births using hypnobirthing and no other intervention. I'm wondering if this is my womb, or my bladder or maybe both, any ideas on where I should start looking for answers since my doctors don't seem to know the answer. Thanks.