I had a period on the 24th of november with cramps and heavy bleeding.....I had spotting from the 21st of November. First time in my life there was no pms before period, two days later I started cramping like I was about to come on, had really watery discharge, bad heartburn, breast tenderness, food aversions. Heightened sense of smell, headaches, tired all through the day, drag myself out of bed in the morning , tire quickly, smells make me gag, no appetite, frequent urination, now I am getting a yeast infection but I guess that's forms antibiotics about two weeks ago, nausea is getting worse, sweet foods taste sweeter than they really are and make me sick, constipation for four days after period. All symptoms still there . What could this be.....ovulation was on 11th or 12th, felt ovulation from both ovaries...