I always have this thing on my lips, almost every year it turns up.
It may be anywhere in my lips. But now, it started in my upperlip as tiny white dots and then it started to itch and i knew that was it again. Now it has somehow covered my whole upper lip and there are some parts of it on my lower.
I need help cause i remember when i was like 11, i had it the first time and then the derma told my mom it was like some sort of herpes. My goodness, now that im 21, It still happens, but shall i stick to what the derma said? How can i cure it? It has got to stop.
I am 21 years old, i am 133 lbs, 5 feet tall, and i have an allergy which occurred since i was also 12 or 11. I have been diagnosed with Mitral valve prolapse. thats as far as i know.
Thank you.