I had a misscarriage over a month ago now, I had 3 unusuall periods of bleeding which last long than my period.
I last bled on the 24th May, and it's now the 15th of June, so my period SHOULD be due 22nd May (as I only last 3 days.)
For the past week, I've started feeling very sick, with heartburn for the majority of the day, and VERY hungry.
I am peeing alot more, even when I'm not drinking much, they're longer than normally.
I have become increasingly sleepy.
I have felt twice on seperate occasions a twinge on my left hand side above my hip, like something snapping.
Yesterday I woke up with a coldsore, and this morning I woke up with a spot (I don't get spots)!!!
About 3 times this week, I noticed some white discharge in my pants.
Today, my ovaries were acheing, and I went to the toilet to whipe myself and a little brown blood came out.
I have since whiped myself and there is nothing there.
I will probably do a test on Friday, but I just wondered what peoples opinions going by my symptoms were.
Thankyou :)