Will this cost money?
I've had a bump, about pea sized, near my clitoris for what has seemed like years, even before I became sexually active. It's been there for as long as I can remember. It always seemed to have a white head on it, but it hadn't bothered me until recently. A couple days ago, it started to itch, and it hurt when I touched it. Before it began to bother me, I paid no attention to it, even though I was pretty certain that it wasn't normal. It never bothered me, that's all. Until now.
I had decided to squeeze it a couple nights ago, which I think may have been a mistake, and I'm scared. A lot of pus came out (I think it was very old pus), and it smelled really bad. After I popped it, I used hydrogen peroxide and then I put antibiotic ointment on it. Ever since, it has continued to hurt. It hurts a little when I walk, it hurts a lot when I sit with my legs together, and of course it hurts by mere touch. I'm scared because I don't know if it will go away, and I don't understand what caused it to bother me after all these years. Please help me..