I am a 50 year old woman with chronic pain due to Fibromyalgia. I have spinal stenosis from top of spine to bottom. I have degenerative bone disk and cartridge in other areas like feet and hips. I have a tumor in my thyroid that a year ago was benign but I just found out that the the right blood work was never done and an that I have had hypothyroidism all along. My DHEA level was 18. Even on nature throid my hair is still falling out rapidly, hormones are all off but I ve received to pellet shots no and menopause symptoms are not as bad. I ve gained 38 pounds, my IBS is worse than ever. My voice is hoarse etc. The things that can t be explained to me are a sudden rash that comes and goes only on my face. Starts always on eyelids. It very red, round, circles that burn and sting so badily, end up scaly and clears up only tocome back a few weeks later. dermatologist says it looks like either like an allergy (which I ve never had before in life) or dermatosis. It looks like psoriasis to me from pictures on web. I am being sent to endocrinologist, allergist, rheumatologist and internist now, by my neurologist, Obgyn, and GP. Is there any advice you can give me or thoughts as to what this can be? I ve been bouncing from Dr to Dr for 18 months now. Thank you.