I have pain in my vaginal area, I initially thought it was on the outside area/s, there appeared to be a sort of brownish look to it from the vagina area to the anus area, which is not so usual for me, so thought it may be a yeast issue. I'm also experiencing constant lower abdominal pain type cramps. I saw a dr 2 days ago, he said there appeared to be nothing unusual inside or out, but mentioned my L ovary seemed to be a bit swollen, he wants a ultrasound done. He prescribed HC 2% in micatin cr to apply to outside area only. My pain still remains the same with no change or improvement.
I became more aware later, of where the pain is coming from, after the dr appt. It is inside where the hymen is, it appears to be red, and looks swollen. I've had no sex for quite awhile, and can't figure out why this has come to what it is. My dr said to soak in a warm sitz bath (2 days now) to help relieve the pain. What more can I do? I am very uncomfortable.. :(