Hi, I am a 22 year old male, 6 1 and about 300 pounds. Overweight, but in fairly good physical condition. Did athletics all through high school and have great numbers (blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.) about 5 days ago my stomach started hurting, kind of like cramps but not as bad, and my girlfriend said it felt like I was bloated. The next day, I woke up and didn t hurt nearly as bad, but was thirstier than I had ever been in my life. I just kept drinking until my stomach hurt again but my mouth was still dry and I was just as thirsty as I was. I also haven t been able to eat hardly anything. I am hungry, but after a few bites I feel nauseous and can t eat anymore. But I have been drinking probably 160 ounces a day and it just isn t enough. I am peeing fine, and is fairly clear obviously, and my lower back also started to hurt. It hurts more when is walk but hurts all the time, getting worse throughout the day and feeling betterish when I wake up. Other than this there is t a single thing wrong with me. What could it be? Thanks, Jacob