thank you Doctor; after taking the celebrex medicine (19 days, one pilla day : 200 mg.), I started having many bad side effects; now it is more than 34 days since I stopped taking that medicine; I am still experiencing same side effects, with the heart beating hard and faster while being asleep, waiking up after about two hours with cold sweats, palpitations, reddish skin chest, nausea, dizzy, strong urge to eliminate urine, with high volume of urine depleeted, etc; I had a main blood test run completed and aa EKG , with a urine test too, but it doesn t show anything; I am very worried, a part the fact that I feel sick , not normal; I had this same situation about a year ago after taking ciprofloxacin antib. (6 days), it took about 3 months when finally I started feeling a little better; what is all abou this Doctor, allegies towards these medicines, side effects, etc. or is it something wrong with my body ? thank you for your help in matter Anthony