Hi I am a 37 year old woman and I weigh 230lbs. My brief medical history is, benign pvc's I take atenolol for that. High b/p I take triamterene hctz for that. My problem is that I have had hemmoroids for years and just had a fistulectomy in April of this year which was misdiagnosed as hydradenitis for years until it became a fistula. I also have pcos which I take Metformin for. My fistula before my surgery would fill whenever my monthly cycle would come. Soon after my surgery it filled up again but since starting Metformin it has not filled up which has me baffled. Could the fistula be caused by hormones. I gave you this info because I don't know what is causing the pain I have in my legs. Evertime after having a bowel movement I get pain in buttocks, legs, and feet its sord of an achy, crampy feeling. So could the fistula or hemmoroids be causing this? I also have lower back pain which makes me think it could be sciatic but that still doesn't answer why it hurts after having a bowel movement. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated.