I have seen blood after wiping from urinating and having a bowel movement for the last four days. My urine is still yellow but I've had some blood discharge and it's not my period time, not a lot like a period but some everytime I wipe. I also had blood after wiping from a bowel movement, again, not a lot, just some on the toilet paper. It's also very painful to have intercourse with my husband. I have no other symptoms. I'm highly stressed at this time because I just got my first teaching job, moved to a new state and my husband is having medical issues related to a serious work injury, but everything is going well and even my husband is being treated so it's not out of control stress. I'm 23 years old and weigh 143 lbs and I my height is 5.5. I'm on birth control pills and I have a history of UTI's but this doesn't feel like that. I have no pain when I urinate. I also have had intestine problems and have been checked for crones and sometimes have irritable symptoms. I'm not having any of those at this time. Besides birth control I'm not taking any medications.