Hi, I am a 20 year old sexually active male. I have a question regarding a very small flesh colored bump I recently noticed along the perineal raphe on my scrotum, almost unnoticeable. I noticed it while in the shower and when I first saw it, thought it was an ingrown hair or something. When I tried to pop it to release any pus, I didn t see anything come out. I did however notice that it doesn t hurt at all, nor does it itch. It s somewhat flat, not even raised a millimeter off of the surface of my scrotum, but I am worried that it may possibly be HPV warts (...?). when I got out of the shower, it no longer appeared red or had any white looking inside to it, and when it was dry I attempted to squeeze it again, yielding what I could tell as a clear fluid coming out in minute amounts, which I was able to detect with a q-tip. I checked the rest of my genital area for any others and only found that one. I checked again after a few hours and almost didn t notice it until I felt around for it. Could this have just been a slightly inflamed sebaceous gland, or should I worry about this developing into something more serious? On a side note, it also didn t feel like it was rooted any further than just the surface of the skin. Thank you!