Hello, I have been scheduled for an endometrial biopsy based on these results : 40 years, Female, frequent menses, enlarged uterus Procedure and materials: Standard protocol. Potential limitations: None. Comparison studies: None. Observations: The uterus measures 9.3 x 4.8 x 6.5 cm. No discrete fibroids are seen although the echotexture of the myometrium is heterogeneous. Endometrium is thickened measuring 2.4 cm, and is also heterogeneous in echotexture. Vascularity does not appear to be increased. The ovaries were only identified transabdominally and appear within normal limits. No adnexal masses were seen. The right ovary measured 2.7 x 3 x 3 cm. The left ovary measured 2.5 x 1.4 x 2.6 cm. IMPRESSION: Abnormally thickened and heterogeneous endometrium measuring 2.4 cm. Although there is no increased vascularity associated with this, gynecologic consultation is recommended as endometrial hyperplasia as well as other etiologies cannot be excluded by ultrasound. Urgency: IMPORTANT. General explanation of what this could mean for me would be greatly appreciated.