Yes. I am 49 year old female who has not entered menopause yet. I developed joint pain of my left knee the last week fo July whic progress in severity and extended to other joints - primarioy my right ankle. The pain occurs in spurts with no specific focus. The duration of pain can last from days to weeks. Sometimes it is accompanied by fatigue which can be exhaustive. An x-ry ruled out arthritis and an MRI ruled out any tendon or ligament injuries. I have been treated for lyme disease due to a deer tick that occurred after the blood work. A series of blood work returned within normal limits - Normal CBC, negative AnA, Negative Rheumatoid factor, Normal Chem Profile.
I have had a bone scan and i don't understand the results. The report states that I had symmetrical distribution of tracer in the knees, lower legs, and feet with moderately ioncreased tracer uptake in teh distal medial right tibia. THE DELAYED films show a small focus of increased tracer uptake in the medial left femoral condyle and increased uptake in the right distal tibia near the tibiotalar joint. What dose this mean?