the middle of neck hurts and so is the area from my ear to my neck(left & right) when i bend my head completely down its hurts alot. I do have a sore throat and pain swallowing, and yesterday I had a bad case of diarrhea. After a few times going to the toilet, I came down with fever and chills and my teeth would not stop chattering. I slept of course after taking Fenagesic 500 for pain and Actimax for fever, my sore throat which hurt so much didnt hurt and my fever was gone when I woke up. Now I am bugged by this problem. Ive had fever,phlegm sore throat and headache a few weeks ago,finished my antibiotics and was well. After having diarrhea, all of these returned but has now gone, and whats left now is my sore throat, and the areas from my neck to my ear on both sides aching when i turn my head and when i completely bend my head down. I had a another similar problem 1 and a half months ago, only i didnt have diarrhea but it took me a week to recover and which i only did after taking medicine my cousin prescribed me. It seems like it keeps on returning every 3 weeks or something even after antibiotics or is it just something else?