Hi, I had a transvaginal ultrasound performed on 7/25/2014, in which it was stated that a small cystic structure is noted in the endometrial cavity measuring .2cm. Its etiology is uncertain. The possibility of a very early gestational sac cannot be ruled out. It was also noted that my endometrial complex was .8cm in size. Is that normal? I m 28 years old, and have several small cysts and fibroids in my uterus, ovaries and cervix. I took a home pregnancy test and it is negative, and I am not sure what to think. I think the ultrasound was performed 5 days after unprotected sex, which I think might be too early to detect a pregnancy. My period is late, but has never really been regular. I have also had light cramps for about a week now, but no period. Could I be pregnant? What could it possibly be?