Hi I am Atiqul Islam age 40 (male)
I did MRI of Brain; please have a look my report. And give a suggestion, is it necessary operation for me or not? Will I be well by medicine?
Clinical Information: Decreased Vision (both Eyes) for 02 years following RTA 02 Yrs, but no H/O Trauma Over head, Occasional headache with nausea.
Technique: Multiple Imaging Sequences were realized in different planes without contrast.
On T2WI and FLAIR Images hyper intense foci are noted in sub-cortical white matter of right frontal lobe and left Centrum semiovale, suggesting microvascular chronic ischemic changes in these locations.
Focal CSF Signal Intensity with surrounding hyper intensity are noted on FLAIR image in the right occipital lobe with ex-vacue dilatation of adjacent dilatation part of right lateral ventricle.
Small area of similar signal characteristics is noted in the splenium of the corpus callosm. Paraseller areas, Optic chiasma, thalami, basal ganglia and cerebellum appear normal in signal characteristics and morphology.
Pituitary fossa is predominantly occupied by CSF occupied by CSF and thinned out pituitary gland is lining the floor of the fossa.
Mild cerebral cortical atrophy is noted as evidenced by slightly enlarged cortical Sulci and increased CSF spaces over both cerebral hemispheres.
Both CP angles are clear
Normal basal flow nerves appear normal.
Minimal mucosal thickening is noted in ethmoidal and maxillary sinuses suggesting sinusitis.
Orbits are unremarkable.
Microvascular chronic ischemic changes in the above mentioned locations.
Encephalomalomalcic changes in the right occipital lobe & old lacunar infarcts in the splenium of the corpus callosum.
Mild cerebral cortical atrophy.
Partial empty sella.
Please give a suggestion, is it necessary operation for me or not? Will I be well by medicine?