I have had one health issue after another lately. It all started with an episode of what I thought was food poisoning...24 hours of intense vomiting followed by two days of general nausea and queasiness. THEN, I had an extremely itchy/swollen vaginal area. I thought it was a yeast infection and tried OTC remedies that made things worse. I just had itchy/burny/swollenness, no discharge. I called my gyn. and they prescribed prescription yeast infection cream. Again, it didn't help so they had me come into be checked out. Yeast came back negative so they prescribed a bacterial cream "just in case" that was what was causing the problem. That also didn't work, and THEN I got the cottage cheese discharge so they prescribed oral medication for a yeast infection. Things seemed to clear up a bit down there, but THEN I came down with a bad sore throat and high fever. The quick-swab for strep came back negative but they called back two days later and said I had a strep infection, not group A (although they didn't tell me which group it was). Took the z-pac and my strep is better, but my itchy labia/vulva area is back. In addition, all of a sudden I have blurred vision in my left eye and lots of headaches.
Could all this be related or am I having a series of bad luck? Could I have some underlying health condition?