I'm a 45 year old female who has been suffering from a crushing pain in my waist area and lower back for the last three months. I also have pain in my left foot. I've had x rays taken of my foot which have ruled out any bone abnormailities.
Last summer I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma and had a wide excision biopsy, lung x rays were clear and I'm attending the dermatology clinic every three months. In March of this year I had sub acromium decompression surgery to remove a bone spur and relieve nerve impingement. I've been very slow to recover from this surgery and have less mobility since having the surgery, I also gave up smoking on diagnosis last year and have gained around three stone and further x rays reveal osteoarthritis in my back and neck.
Could this pain in my waist area simply be due to the fact I've put on weight, I'm about fourteen stone although my apetite seems to be diminishing again and I,ve lost a couple of pounds in the last few weeks. I find however that this pain is taking my breath away at times and I don't want to keep pestering my doctor. I,ve also been taking daily doses of Lansoprasole for the last five years because of a hiatus hernia and severe gastritis and oesophagitis discovered through gastroscopy.
Thank you for your help.