I have a question about irregular menstruation… I am 22 years old and have not had a period for 11 months. Just to clarify, I do not exercise excessively, I am not dieting, I do not have an eating disorder, I have not gained/lost weight, I am not stressed, I did not endure any kind of trauma, I have not been ill, I do not use illegal drugs, and I am not pregnant. My menstrual cycle has never been regular and when not on birth control, I would go two or three months between periods. I am currently not on birth control and have not had a period since I stopped taking the pill in August of 2011. I have had one ultrasound to look into my irregularity and was told that everything looked fine and that I just had a lot of stored eggs. I have an appointment with my OB/GYN in a few weeks and I will ask her then, but… should I be concerned? Is this early menopause?