In 2006 After a small accident while dribbling football with my kids, I have been getting lot of pain in anus and vagina all time and almost every 20 mins I am compelled to pass urine causing lot of embarrasement and life has become miserable. I checked with plenty of doctors 5 renowned gyn and 4 urologist, rhemetoid specialist.nerologist. Finally one urologist did biopsy and cystoscopy and opined that it could be IC and thereafter I have been taking coctail instillation, but nowadays that is also not giving me comfort. My RA is positive and ESR is always above 40. Problem continues. So I showed to homeopath, he mentioned that the tissues in the bladder is not generated as there is some genetic disorder taken place where the layers which are supposed to form as per immune system is not formed, so it needs to rectify, so that the tissue layers are formed insequence. I also feel very cold all time in 28 degrees also. cant sit in AC for longtime. pl help.