Hello Doc.
My last two period was October 27th and November 27th. I ovulated on the 10th to 15 of December (according to my app) and was supposed to start period on December 27th.... But it’s not started. I did have unprotected sex during this time and am not on any type of birth control. Basically I have been trying to conceive first time. In between on 18 December I slip in bathroom and after 1 hour bleeding started. I had no cramps beforehand like usual. bleeding only when I sit on toilet cupboard. and its ended on 19th December, I thought it is implantation bleeding .
After being late for 3 days I started to have lower abdominal pain, kind of like pressure, dull and back pain. But now there is no pain.Now I am 7 days late and I have taken two tests, one on the day I missed my period and one five days after (in the morning). Both are negative.. I appreciate any response to this question..
Best Regards,