i have not seen my menstrual cycle in four months this has been a pattern for d last five years and i have never been sexually active why is this? i sustained an injury 2years now and ever so often my lower back tightens when it happens i rest and it goes away but now i have an intence sharp pain inside my lower back at times my bottocks may lock involuntaryily,what test should i do to get d right diagnosis for these complaints and why do u think is d source of d discomfort in my back
my menstrual cycle is very irregular, i
would not see my cycle for 4 months and when it comes it stay two days its been d pattern for d last 5 years what do u think is causing this and what test can i to inorder to get a proper diagnosis? i do not have any kids and i have never been sexually active.
two years ago i sustained a back injury that made me unable to walk for a week after bed rest i felt better, but ever so often my lower back get tight i will rest it,but some times i feel like if something at upper part of my but locks when this happen i got to stay still until d pain goes away d pain is usually very painful. what test can i di to get a correct diagnosis and what is causing d discomfort?