I have had back, neck and shoulder pain for a good few years now and I am finding my job difficult. I work for a large Pharmaceutical Company and I am hoping that after 20 years service they will let me go on medical grounds. Here are the MRI results. MRI Spine Cervical : TECHNIQUE: Sagittal Tl, T2 scans of the cervical spine and axial T2 scans between CZ-T1. FINDINGS: ]. There is a straighterted cenrical lordosis. Normalcraniocervicaljunction. 2, No significant marrow signalabnormality in the visualised portions of the spine, 3, There is multilevel moderate degree of degeneration with circumferential disc bulge and osteophyte indenting tlre spinal canal at alllevels between C3-C7, most prominently at C3/C4 disc space level that there is a slight indentation on the cord. 4. There is a mild to moderate degree of exit foraminal narrowing at some of the levels, particularly on the left at C3/C4. There is a prominent impingement on the lefl-sided C4 root in this foramen. No other significant foraminal root impingemenUcompression. 5. Normalsignal intensity in the visualised splna! cord. CONCLUSION: Multilevel moderate degree of degeneration noted in the cervical spine with circumferential disc bulges and osteoihytes indenting the spinal canal, most prominently at C3/C4 levet. lmpingement is noted on the exiting left C4 root in the left-sided C3/C4 exit foramen. No other significant root irnpingemenUcompression. Normal slgnal in the visualised spinal cord. NV What is your opinion.