Hello doctor,
I'm from Indonesia, female, aged 29. I have had some skin problems for years. My skin is very tight, dry, itchy and getting some rash (reddish). It appeared on my legs, thighs, stomach, and arms. After I had the reddish, it would turn into brown spot. I have been using the scrub to remove the spot. Can I use the scrub product for my unstable skin condition? I am ashamed of my skin condition. All I do is wearing long trousers and long shirt to cover my skin.
I already went and consult to several local doctors. All of them could not give me the exact reason to my skin problem. The last doctor prescribed me mustela stelatopia cream and sebamed for body wash. It was not helpful at all. I had been browsing over the internet and I found that my skin symptoms are more like Pityriasis rosea. But I am still not sure. May I send you the picture of my skin? I really appreciate any of suggestions and solutions to my skin problem. Thank you.