For a year my 21 year old daughter has had continueous bruising, mostly on her legs. These are very large bruises that never completely go away and new bruises appear without bumping. Prior to our knowledge that she was Factor 5 Leiden deficient; she recalls in high school having mystery bruises, had frequent periods, was put on the pill to manage periods when ~ 18, when it was discovered a year ago she was factor 5 deficient, she was taken off the pill in February/March and in June '10 she developed massive leg bruising, some of which has never gone away completly. She has been anorexic in the past. She currently eats very good foods and a decent variety but avoids fat of all types except in the following - lots of raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, boiled eggs, lean chicken, hardy bread, some fish, few bites of good steak on occasion but is thin and with the academic work load, exercise (also attends a spine center for scoloiosis tx) I do not beleive she weighs enough and is very thin. Have you ever heard of this type bruising. Is it likely diet or hormone related or factor 5 related. Lots of blood work reveals she is not anemic, no thyroid problems. She also has a hx of reynaud symptoms in legs and arms and this has been dramatically treated with accupuncture. Any ideas? I believe a more normal diet for a period of time is our next option. Maybe getting back on the pill is the answer though not recommended for factor 5 deficient.