Hello. I was diagnosed with chlamydia not too long ago. This was based on a urine test and a description of my symptoms. I took Doxycycline 2 times a day for 7 days and the symptoms were greatly reduced. It was still present though so the doctor prescribed a medicine which I forgot its name, its 4 tablets taken at once one time only. The second urine test showed I had no chlamydia, which was also negative to gonorrhea and trich. I still have some symptoms like the white discharge when I am sitting down, and a bit of an inch sometimes at the tip of the penis. The doctor prescribed another doxycycline and said he can't prescribe anything after that. I am not sure what to do, because I am really worried. I am not done with the doxy, I have seven more days to go, but I still have the discharge, although I never feel pain peeing or anything like that in my penis. Just a very minor itch maybe twice during the day.