hiya I'm 42yrs old, i had an emdomerial ablation in Nov 2010 due to very heavey periods ,pain and pms. i had a poor recovery and bled heavely after surgery for 18 day, i was sen for a scan they found an anterior Intramural fibroid measueing 3.4x2. 7x3.3cm the fibroid distorts the endometrium pushing it posteriorly. Endometrium measured 4.2mm. Uterus measured 9.3x5x5.1cms right ovary measured 1.9x0.9x3.0cm left ovary measured 2.0x1.0x1.8. since surgery eventually my period stopped completley, but i continue to have abdominal cramps not as bad as before but still casueing discomfort. My PMs is really bad i appear to get 1 week free of symptoms, either breast tenderes, fluid retention and bloading, disturned sleep patters due to getting hot during the night only gaining 4 -5 hrs sleep for somtimes 3 weeks at a time. emotionally i become a wreck for around 1 -2 weeks unable to cope with work and stresses of work, emotionally labile this emotional disturbance i find it hard to cope with. I eat a healthy diet, i exercise 3 times a week i'm atherltic build 5ft 5 and 9st 9lbs in weight. I watch my salt intake along with caffine, i have tried hormones in the past but they did not suit me and when i had Zoladex prior to abaltion i had a really bad experience. I've tried relfexology, accupuncture all the usual herbal remadies, nothing seems to organise my hormones the imbalacne has just been progrssively worse. i have a follow up with my consultant gynocologisy tomorrow, i've been trying to reseach infomation prior to my appointment to be informed, what's your thoughts.