I have been a migraine sufferer for years. The only time I get migraines is during sleep. If I drink alcohol, I am about 95% likely to wake up with a migraine and not the same type of hangover my friends experience - mine last the entire day and no amount of water, food, medicine, etc. helps.
The migraines I wake up with when not drinking alcohol are extremely painful and worse upon lying down.
I have had the following tested:
- full blood work - all normal
- MRI and MRA - both normal
- Sinus doctor - I do have a deviated septum
- Allergist - allergic to dust mites
I believe strongly that something occurring during my sleep is causing the headaches, and am hoping to get opinions on my list of theories - I really am determined to not give up on figuring out what is causing these headaches.
I have a sleep study this Tuesday as I am a frequent night terror sufferer, but I was told by the doctor that my migraines aren't caused by anything during my sleep.
Since I won't give up until I figure this out (I don't believe in just treating with prescriptions; I'd really like to figure out the cause), I am hoping that someone can give their opinion on the following theories I have researched:
- hypoglycemia: is it possible my blood sugar at night (especially with alcohol) is causing my headaches?
- sleep disorder: is it possible that my migraines are an effect of my night terrors? would consumption of alcohol further this?
- histamine - i've read a lot about your body releasing histamine while you are sleeping, and alcohol furthering the release of histamines. is it possible i'm having an allergic reaction while i sleep?
- circadian rhythm - could my circadian rhythm be messed up (hence the night terrors) and can this lead to migraine?
- Any other ideas? I honestly hate being told I'm "just a migraine sufferer"; I understand migraines are hard to figure out, but I'd really like to try and at least narrow down the list of possibilities