I am 45 I had a Pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound for pelvic pain. The result: tThe uterus is enlarge measurin 14,2x7.0x9.6 cm and demonstrates heterogeneous echotexture consistent with fibroid uterus. There is fluid within the endometrial cavity and the anterior and posterior walls measure 2,5 and 1.1 mm respectivily. the left ovary measure 3.8x2,5x2,2 and demonstrate a complex 1.7x2.1x1.6 cm hychoechoic mass. Doppler evaluation demonstrate resistive index of 0.43. The right ovary measure 3.6x2.8x.2.5 cm and demonstrates a 1.9x2.1x1.8 cm complex hypoechoic nodule.
The doctor wants me to have an MRI and six week follow up ultrasound and also a limited abdominal ultrasound to evaluate for possible ascites
Am I in bad shape?