Hi, I have a roughly 20-25cm laceration on my right shin which was pretty deep as well (I'd say about 2 or so inches deep and almost to the bone (I could see the flesh and fat inside when it occurred) and went to hospital on the 5th January and had a tetanus shot and 13 stitches for it. Anyways, when discharged from the hospital, they gave me a written letter to give to my doctor who will check-up on my laceration and eventually will remove the stitches for me and the letter said for the stitches to be removed in about 7-10 days. Anyways, I went to my doctor on the 17th of January (12 days later just to be sure) to have them removed and my doctor examined it and afterwards removed only 6 of the 13 stitches and left the rest on and told me to come back 5 days later to remove the rest - which is today - what I'm asking is, is it safe to get them all removed yet/now? Is there any risk of it dehisce-ing? Cos that's my greatest fear right now... or should I wait another 1-2 weeks just to be sure? Should stitches even be in for almost a whole month? Just wondering if you think my laceration would be well-healed enough to remove all stitches and be able to walk normally as of tomorrow without it re-opening? Thanks in advance and sorry for the long-ish question.