Hi. Im 36 years old. Mother of 3, bartender/retail associate. I have an area on my left achilles tendon exactly-that gets white raised blotches/Very dry bumps of skin, extremely itchy, and seems to only itch after I eat (when i eat- i have zero appetite) and when I am trying to fall asleep. I have many headaches, dizziness and upset stomach issues lately. My stomach is always growling, and I burp all the time, along with either semi-diarrhea that is wicked foul smelling, or else i am in constipation. I have lost weight without reason and shortly after,I lost my appetite. I am also despressed, scattered and confused. I have insomnia . I have joint pain and periods of what seems to be carpal tunnel ot tendonitis . ( I m a bartender, it is my wrists and shoulders- knees. They crackle during movement too.) What is my problem? Is this a nervous reaction? A parasite? Could it be autoimmune? Lyme , candida or celiacs/ gluten , dairy or other allergen- chemical reaction? I recently have only had 2 illnesses. Influenza last year and had shingles , I took acyclovir - is any of this a side effect of that? It is not scabies like the idiot emergency room attendant began suggesting. It was confirmed by a specialist not to be scabies but all he said is it is stress. I believe there is more to it! Anyway- i had scabies when I was 13 from summer camp. The rash is not that, its blotchier, Its just different and only in certain spots. My left ankle. My right under jawline. (those are more pimplelike) same ones there for months though! My right outer elbow. Oh! And also my sclalp has sores that never seem to heal. Or start to and then come back twice as bad. Sometimes there is a tender lump under the lesion, and It is sore like i bumped it but I havent! This has been the longest symptom. Going on since I was young and can remember feeling dry patches or bumps on my scalp. I was diagnosed with a dairy allergy back then but was told I outgrew it from receiving shots for years. That was when I was 18 but i really didnt start eating it again until around age 23. I had 2 surgery in my life both c sections. I had gestational diabetes with they last pregnancy. I am not a smoker. I am vegetarian but ate many many soy products and I am currently not on any medication. No birth control. I take ibuprofen, Vicodin, and .5 flexeril for the joint pain and insomnia on occasion. I try to avoid taking anything because my stomach always hurts and it just bothers it mOre. I take enzyme supplements and probiotics, garlic and probably too much coffee. But it s how I function-