on 11 of march i had laproscopy & found blockage in on one tube, & it was clearede. then on 2 of april i had normal period. then my gync. given me clofert 100 mg (for 5 days )with ivi GMH injection on(7,8,9 day fron period) then 3 follicals are form upto size 20, & rupture on 14 day.
now i had no period from 2 of april , its almost 2 month, but beta HCG &UPT test are negative.
What happen with my period?
Now dr. given me birth control pill for 5 days from 15 april to 20 april.
but that also not helpful for getting period.
Is this all normal? or somthing is wrong with me?
my age is 31 , weight 65 kg , i m ttc frm last 7 to 8 months.