I am 42, around 5'2" and approx. 145 1bs. Hi, I randomly have migraine headaches, but recently I have been having a different kind. Normally with the migraine my vains in my head feel like the blood is boiling through them, I usually toss my cookies and sleep it off in a dark room then the next day I'm fine. but these are weird, they are always in my left eye and above, my blood feels like it's ice cold, I awake at night feeling like I have sleep on a block of ice, I never am nautious, sensitive to light and sound and smells, but the coldness is horrible. this has been going on for about a month, this week I have had one for 3 days out of 5, my head feels weird like I won't move it fast or shout because of the weirdness, and fear that the headache will strike again, I carry a rice bag with me at all times to heat and put on the back of my neck if it comes, it makes it bearable, because I just have to work. Getting a little freaked, everyone says I need to get it checked out? any advice?